crafting custom guitars from a part of American heritage
Ensworth Guitar masterfully creates completely unique instruments with deep, rich tones from historic woods. crafting custom guitars from a part of American heritage.
At Ensworth Guitar, we are taking old woods from personal properties such as cabins, boats, trees with both historic and sentimental value, and creating works of art to be passed down from generation to generation. Every guitar is a completely unique, custom design and comes with a certificate of authenticity with as much information as is available about the type, age, and source of the wood.
Beyond the history, our guitars are of superior sound and quality. The neck-through design allows more sustain. Musicians know vintage lacquered woods on guitars have more tone and resonance than new guitars with a polyurethane finish. We are master crafting vintage guitars from materials that founded this country and the families that pioneered our land. Each guitar is finished by branding our logo into the headstock with a hot iron.

"I love the fact that Ed is using historic wood to make these guitars. Each one is a little piece of history."
-Will Edwards
Grammy and Emmy award winning producer and composer
Each Ensworth Guitar is completely handcrafted, with skill and passion.

"Ensworth Guitars are works of art, a display of masterful craftsmanship. They play and sound as great as they look...
So proud to play mine!"
-Liam Kelly
guitarist for Daylight Sinners.

"This guitar gives me an unfair advantage over other guitarists!
My Ensworth Guitar is Bad Ass!"
- Denver Cooper
guitarist for NZM

over a decade of

I have been building guitars from cabin wood for well over a decade. Building these guitars is a labor of love. During the hours that I spend sawing, filing, carving and sanding this wood, I often find myself reflecting on the effort, pride, resolve and all the human feeling that went into felling the trees, hand hewing them into logs, cutting them to fit each other, lifting them into place, chinking and daubing the spaces between the walls, and moving into a small, safe place in a great, harsh wilderness. These buildings were used, sometimes for many generations, by pioneering families as shelter and protection for their families and livestock. The wood these guitars are made of is truly rare and there will never be any more than exists today.
Owners of these guitars will have, not only a truly custom guitar of exceptional quality, but one made from the rarest of woods available. The guitars are heirloom quality and will bring the owners and their heirs’ pleasure for generation after generation."
- Ed Harnage, Luthier